💾In-House Software

Our guild has developed and deployed in-house software tools to advance our mission within the Cardano ecosystem and beyond. These tools are integral to our operations, enabling us to efficiently manage our resources, facilitate decentralized governance, and enhance member collaboration. Below, we provide an overview of each software component, outlining its purpose and key features.

1. Armory Platform


Knights of Cornucopias Armory Platform Overview The Knights of Cornucopias staking platform, developed by Anvil using their advanced multi-sig staking engine, serves as a cornerstone for the Knights guild's asset management. This robust platform is designed to streamline and enhance the way rewards are distributed within the guild, ensuring efficiency and transparency.

Core Functionality

Custom Features for the Knights Guild: The platform allows for the automatic distribution of player rewards from the game directly to end recipients. This seamless integration ensures that tokens earned by the guild are deposited into a wallet associated with a specific policy ID, which is then distributed to all users who have that policy ID staked.

Unified Reward System

The platform's unique features enable the guild to reward all in-game activities through a single, unified system. This simplifies the management and distribution of rewards, making it easier to ensure that every member of the guild receives their due share.

Future Potential

The Knights staking platform is not just a solution for the present but a foundation for future expansions. The guild plans to leverage this platform to manage land holdings, land rewards, and other in-game assets. Future integrations with the Cornucopias API will further enhance the platform by allowing for automated stat tracking and direct deposit of rewards into in-game wallets, creating a fully integrated and automated experience for the Knights guild members.


How do I stake my NFTS

Access The Armory via the link on our website or in official links in our Discord.

Once I’ve staked, how do I see my stake on the Armory? Click on the Knights Logo top Left to navigate between the two pages.

Do my NFTs leave my wallet? The NFTs remain in your wallet but are locked in a smart contract that is tied to the stake key of the wallet from which the NFTs were staked.

Is there a minimum time I am held in the contract? No, you can unstake at any time you choose. When you unstake any unclaimed harvest and the previously staked NFTs will automatically move to that wallet.

How is the harvest divided? Each separate policy harvest is divided equally between staked NFT.

Do I still get my harvest if I don't stake on the Armory? NO.

If I unstake, do I lose my harvest? It will automatically be claimed into your wallet.

What are the fees to stake? 3 ADA plus Cardano transaction fees, along with any ADA locked with the NFTs will also appear as ADA spent. The ADA locked to the NFTs will return to your wallet when you un-stake and the NFTs are unlocked.

Do I pay fees to unstake?

2.4 ADA plus Cardano transaction fees. The ADA locked with your Knights NFTs, will be returned at this time.

Do I pay fees to Harvest? 2.4 ADA plus Cardano transaction fees.

Who pays the Cardano fees?

Cardano transaction fees are paid by the wallet submitting the transaction.

Where and what are the fees used for?

The Cardano transaction fees go towards operating the blockchain and rewarding pool operators. 1.2 Ada from staking 1.2 ADA from Harvesting and 1.2 ADA from unstaking go to Anvil for operating and maintaining the site. 1.8 ADA from staking, 1.2 ADA from Harvesting, and 1.2 ADA from un staking go to the Knights Guild, which funds upgrades, new features for the ARMORY, and further technical needs of the guild.

Can I use a Hard Wallet? Yes, You will need to approve each asset.

Can I use different wallets? Yes, although the UI interface is different for each Wallet address.

What are the max Knights Nfts I can stake in a single stake? 50. Why is the stake limited to 50?

This service is designed to generate small fees to help the guild progress and the site to be self-sustainable. 50 NFTs provide a sufficient balance to manage your assets efficiently, and the fees generated by the site are enough to keep it running and relevant in the ever-changing ecosystem.

Are the wallets where the harvest is kept in multi-sig? Who controls them? They are Knights wallets controlled by the smart contract script. Funds entered are immediately distributed.

Who controls the wallet that harvests from the Game? The guild has control of these wallets, although not vested in any single individual, as we utilize multi-sig wallets for guild asset management.

If there is a new feature of adding/removing single NFTs to/from a stake, will there be a fee again? and if yes, only for adding an NFT to a stake contract?

There will be an additional fee for adding to and removing from stake, and unstaking and harvesting fees will still apply. The fees for these features are not yet set and are still in development.

Will Cardano chain change its fees?

Cardano may update its fees at some point. Blockchain networks, including Cardano, can adjust transaction fees based on network conditions, changes in protocol, or other factors.

Why is the transaction amount higher than the fees?

On Cardano, NFTs have ADA locked to them, so the more NFTs in one stake, the higher the ADA amount involved in the transaction. This ADA is locked with your NFTs and will be returned to your wallet if you ever unstake the NFTs.

Is it better to have all my assets mixed in one stake or separate the stakes by asset type? Shield/sword/and so on How you manage your stakes depends on your staking strategies and how you choose to keep a record of your earnings. Optimizing your earnings will be a focus of the Knights in 2025 as we continue to build out how NFTs and the game interact

Terms and Conditions & Privacy Policy

Terms and Conditions

Introduction and Agreement to Terms

Welcome to the staking platform of The Knights Guild. By using this platform, you agree to the following terms and conditions. If you disagree, you should discontinue using the platform immediately.

User Eligibility and Responsibilities You are responsible for ensuring you can legally use the staking platform in your jurisdiction. By participating in staking, you confirm that you have done your research (DYOR) and understand the process. The platform is designed for global use, and the Knights Guild disclaims liability for local laws or regulations you may be subject to.

Staking Process Overview

The staking platform allows you to stake NFTs without removing them from your wallet. Your NFTs will be locked in a smart contract, and you may unstake them at any time. When you unstake, any unclaimed staking rewards will automatically be distributed to your wallet.

Blockchain and Transaction Transparency

All staking activities take place on a public blockchain (Cardano). While we do not collect any personal data, all transactions, including staking and unstaking, are publicly visible. You should be aware that transaction data is permanently stored on the blockchain.

No Liability for Wallet or Asset Loss

The Knights Guild is not responsible for any lost, stolen, or compromised wallets or assets. It is your responsibility to securely manage your private keys and wallet credentials.

Disclaimer of Financial Advice

The staking platform and associated features are not intended to provide financial or investment advice. Your participation in staking does not constitute an investment, and The Knights Guild is not liable for any financial decisions you make.

Fees and Payment

Staking and unstaking on the platform incur fees in ADA, as outlined in the FAQ. These fees cover blockchain transaction costs and maintenance fees for The Knights Guild and Anvil.

Changes to the Terms

The Knights Guild reserves the right to modify these terms at any time. You will be notified of changes via our Discord. Continued use of the staking platform after changes have been made constitutes your acceptance of the updated terms.

Limitation of Liability

In no event shall The Knights Guild or Anvil be liable for any damages exceeding $500, regardless of the cause.

Governing Law

These terms are governed by the laws of the applicable jurisdiction, depending on your location.

Contact Information

For support or questions, please reach out to us via our official Discord at: https://discord.gg/knights-of-cornucopias.

Dispute Resolution

In the event of a dispute, users agree to resolve the matter informally by contacting us via Discord before pursuing any formal legal action.

Privacy Policy

The Knights Guild does not collect, store, or broker any personal data. All interactions with the staking platform occur on a public blockchain. Transaction data is publicly visible and permanently recorded. No other data, including personal information, is collected. For any issues or questions related to privacy, please contact us via our Discord.

2. We have something else cooking, which will be announced shortly.

3. Universal Tournament Bracket Builder

Our recent experience with the Cardano Catalyst program was a significant learning opportunity. While we fell just short of the required 42 million ADA votes, garnering 40 million votes in our first application is a remarkable achievement. This isn’t a defeat; it’s a powerful testament to the potential of our proposal and the community’s support. We’re incredibly proud of what we’ve accomplished and have gained valuable insights that will strengthen our future efforts. With renewed determination and the lessons learned, we’re excited to come back stronger and ready for the next opportunity.

Last updated