Roles and Responsibilities
The Knights Guild has a well-defined structure that includes various positions of leadership to ensure the efficient management of the Guild's operations. The Round Table, consisting of the founders and senior leadership, sets the vision for the Guild and provides guidance for the Knight Generals, who oversee the day-to-day operations and execute the vision.
The Knight Commanders are responsible for managing, communicating, and administering specific asset groups while translating overarching strategies to local management. The Knights, who make up the player and member base of the Guild, are the driving force behind the Guild's success. Citizens serve as the entry-level rank for new players and members, providing a clear path for advancement within the Guild's ranks.
In addition to the above positions, the Guild also has a Board consisting of advisors, VCs, and DAO representatives who have a significant stake in the Guild. The Board also includes representatives from significant partnership guilds and projects, bringing together diverse perspectives and expertise to guide the Guild toward success.
Having different layers of leadership and expertise within the guild is essential for its success. This structure ensures that there is a clear division of responsibilities, and the most experienced and capable individuals are responsible for making decisions. With community engagement at its core, the leadership structure encourages accountability and transparency, ensuring that the guild operates efficiently and effectively. Furthermore, the focus on gaming, strategy and operations, marketing, and recruitment means that the guild has all the necessary expertise to deliver a successful product.
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